How to get back to training after a long time

If you have been out for a long time, for some reason, do not rush onto the asphalt or the gym machines. Discover how to return to training in a healthy way and that does not demotivate you.

The key is to plan your training with Personal Trainer Downtown Miami, for which you need a good understanding of your fitness and realistic goals. We answer the key questions below.


Why do we stop playing sports?

We know the multiple benefits of sport and yet, either we do not practice them with the due frequency or we are inconstant. What are the reasons? Among the most frequent are the following:


  • injuries . The most common are sprains and strains, knee injuries, muscle inflammation, fractures or dislocations.
  • diseases . Those of a cardiovascular type, infections or cancers are frequent reasons for suspending sports activity, especially after surgical interventions.
  • pregnancy . From the fifth month of pregnancy, the practice can be discouraged, even more so if it entails any risk to the health of the mother or the baby.
  • demotivation. The alleged lack of time, the stress of day-to-day, the very repetitive routines, not having found a discipline that excites us, the feeling of being stuck or of not having resistance… Many reasons can lead to demotivation.


In either case, there comes a time when it is convenient to resume the exercise routine, for which an appropriate action plan is needed.


How to get back to training after an injury

An effective return to training routine considers several closely related factors:

  • Combination of aerobic and strength exercises . On the one hand, you will lose fat, strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve performance. On the other hand, you will strengthen muscles and joints, improve your physical appearance and you will work other muscle fibers.
  • Healthy and balanced diet . Food provides energy, helps repair and create new fibers, and provides vitamins and minerals useful in different organic processes. For this reason, and for specific objectives such as losing weight, a good nutritional plan is necessary.
  • Motivation. Training at too high an intensity or checking that we are not performing as well as before the break can lead to a lack of motivation. You need to shield yourself from that possibility.
  • Realistic goals and deadlines . It is a way to avoid the above and not put your health at risk. It involves choosing the right training volume, intensity and frequency of sessions.
  • breaks . It serves to repair damage, so they help to progress.


If you need to get back to training after spraining your ankle, for example, you’ll need to start small by contemplating all of the above factors. The most important thing is that the return to the routine is effective, that is, that you can implement habits that you will later be able to maintain.



How to return to training after a month

A month without training can be caused by a minor injury or simply by having neglected routines during the holidays. To resume training after the days off, precisely, the personal trainer Javier González offers a series of recommendations.


Among them, we highlight the search for an intrinsic motivation that comes from us. Also train hard, but be constant and look for truly enjoyable alternatives. And, of course, banishing phrases like “I don’t have time”, because of the 168 hours a week has, you can perfectly get three.


As for more specific exercises to get back in shape, González proposes strength and polyarticular exercises, in addition to recovering the habit of walking and preferably choosing to practice outdoors.


The table of exercises that he proposes is the following, and each one has to be repeated four times in each session:


Day 1

  • 20 squats.
  • 24 strides (12 with each leg).
  • 10 leg lifts.
  • 8 abdominal crunches.
  • 20 seconds of front plank.
  • 20 seconds left side plank.
  • 20 seconds of right side plank.


Day 2

  • 20 push ups.
  • 15 burpees.
  • 10 jump squats.
  • 8 triceps pushups.
  • 5 push-ups with rebound.
  • 3 diamond push-ups.
  • 10 seconds of skipping at maximum speed.


Day 3

In this routine, each exercise is performed for 20 seconds and, between one and the other, 10 seconds of rest are left.

  • Jumps with legs apart.
  • Low skipping.
  • Chest bottoms.
  • Jumping stride.


How to return to training after a year

If you have been in the so-called dry dock due to an injury, illness or other reason, you should learn how to return to training after a long time.

The personal trainer Miami wanted to answer the question for those who stopped doing a lot of sports during the confinement the due to the coronavirus. We start from the basis that, after three months of hiatus, it is not convenient to reach 9 on an effort scale from 1 to 10 , even less if it is a year. If after three months the fork must move between 60% and 80% of the capacity prior to the stoppage, it should even be below half after one year.


AMT reminds us of the structure of sports planning . The macrocycles, the mesocycles and the microclics must be taken care of, considering the following:


  • Macrocycle . It usually covers a calendar year, coinciding with the season. It is planned knowing that they are going to go through different physical states, beginning with the acquisition of form. At the end is the rest period, where the athlete is allowed free physical work.
  • Monocycles. It has an extension of one month or six weeks, generally. It consists of the basic preparation, the control phase, the improvement, the competition and the restoration.
  • Macrocycles. It usually lasts a week, and you work as stipulated. It consists of stimulus production, which is the training itself, and recovery, in the last part of the macrocycle.


Such extensive planning work will not always be necessary, but knowing the cycles can inspire you to create something just for you. And, above all, to understand that you need time and a progressive increase in activity. If in doubt, you should consult a professional.

Motivation to return to training

Lack of motivation is usually the first obstacle to overcome among non-professionals, who do not feel compelled to exercise. If this is your case, write down some last tips so as not to lose it:

  • Ask for help. If you can, involve someone close to you, be it your partner, a family member or a friend. It will strengthen the bond and keep the motivation of both through healthy competition.
  • Varies. If you can’t spend an hour walking on the treadmill, do only 20 minutes, more than 20 on the elliptical and 20 on the stationary bike. It’s just an example.
  • Consider your achievements. They are an exceptional way to stay motivated. Write down your starting points and keep a daily log, which will help you objectively observe your progression and set new goals. When you reach them, reward yourself.

Knowing how to get back into training is key to getting going, without putting your health at risk or becoming demotivated when you realize that your physical shape is not what it was. Good planning and a lot of will can do everything.



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